
If you are considering switching to a vegan diet, take note of the musts for your shopping list. By combining all these food groups, you will be able to create a well-balanced menu.

Following a vegan diet means avoiding any product of animal origin and, therefore, basing it exclusively on plants. However, saying no to some foods does not entail a lack of nutrients in our body. By creating a well-balanced diet, we can have all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and healthy fats our body needs. These are some of the foods you cannot miss:

  1. Tofu: It is made by coagulating soy drink and has multiple healthy properties and infinite possibilities in cooking. Its neutral flavor makes it very versatile and ideal for preparing many recipes. Moreover, tofu stands out for its high content of proteins, group B and E vitamins and minerals. 
  2. Seitan: It is known as vegetable meat due to its texture, consistency, and high protein content. It is made of wheat gluten and is an ideal alternative to animal protein. Fat-free and source of fiber.
  3. Whole grains: Source of soluble fiber. They contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine and the heart. Moreover, they are necessary to achieve a sufficient supply of vitamin B2.
  4. Seeds: Flaxseed or chia seeds are two important vegetable sources of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are key to the protection of our cardiovascular health. In addition, they are rich in mucilage and a source of soluble fiber.
  5. Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc. contain minerals and coenzyme Q10, which help us recover energy and enhance mental activity.
  6. Legumes: They are one of the main sources of vegetable protein. In addition, they are indispensable to supply high amounts of magnesium and iron to vegan diets.
  7. Vegetables: They are essential too. Green-leafy vegetables are remarkable because of their high content of calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins C and K.
  8. Fresh fruits: Obviously, we cannot miss them because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. We can consume them at any time of the day, and they do not need to be cooked. Their success is due to their variety and the different seasonal options.
  9. Plant-based drinks: They are a great and wide alternative to the habit of having a drink at breakfast or snack. There are several varieties, including those based on legumes, cereals, seeds or nuts. Their nutritional profile varies depending on their main ingredient.
  10. Cocoa: Following a vegan diet is not synonymous with boredom. Indeed, for an occasional treat, we have cocoa-based options, such as our cocoa cream with no added sugars.

Vegan diets are beneficial for animal ethics and the sustainability of the planet and health, but they also have a drawback: the deficiency of vitamin B12. This vitamin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and is involved in red blood cell formation, is only found in foods of animal origin since it is produced by the microbial synthesis in the digestive tract of animals. Therefore, supplementation is necessary in vegan diets. 

If you need ideas to create your vegan menu, take note of all these recipes.

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