

Natural solutions for relieving constipation

Constipation can be caused by different factors. It is recommended to follow appropriate dietary guidelines to prevent constipation and, if necessary, to take specific food supplements for this condition.

One out of five Spanish people, mostly women, suffer from constipation, which has uncomfortable and annoying consequences: abdominal distention, flatulence formation, sensation of heaviness, and incomplete evacuation...

To tackle this, we need to change our hygiene and dietary habits:

Eat well

A high-fiber diet helps accelerate transit by including two or three fruits, two servings of vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Practice some sport

A sedentary lifestyle is a great ally of constipation, so regular physical activity facilitates the peristaltic movements of the gut.

Educate your intestine

Listen to your body, and do not suppress the urge to go to the bathroom. Try to get your body used to defecating at the same time or spend some time trying to do so.

If dietary and lifestyle changes are not enough, try some natural supplements

Senna and Cascara sagrada

These are two well-known plants for their laxative properties, as they stimulate gut motility and increase the secretion of water and electrolytes in the intestine. These are used to cure acute and occasional constipation.


It helps retain water in the intestine, lubricates the stool, and facilitates intestinal transit and defecation, thanks to its high content of mucilages.

Magnesium carbonate

It attracts water to the intestine and thus helps soften the stool. It is a gastric antiacid and provides our bodies with magnesium.

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