

Centella asiatica L.


Herbaceous plant with stolons; kidney-shaped leaves show a long petiole. Inflorescence consist of a plain umbel with a few flowers. Small flowers with 5 oval-shaped violet-pink petals. Fruit is an orbicular, disciform, diachaenium compressed by the sides.

Distributed through tropical regions: Madagascar, India, and Indonesia.

Part used

Aerial tops.


  • Topical treatment of sores, trophic ulcers and varicose, corneal ulcerations, itching, eczemas, psoriasis, keloid, stretch mark and cellulite. Cervicitis, vulvovaginitis. Cobaltotherapy originated lesions.
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Vein deficiency.
  • Hypertensive microangiopathies and diabetic.
  • Different clinical trial led to believe it was useful to prevent blood circulation problems.


Fitoterapia aplicada. JB Peris, G Stübing y B Vanaclocha.

Botanical influences on illnes. MR Werbach, MT Murray. Third Line Press.

Plantas medicinales y drogas vegetales para infusión y tisana. S. Cañigueral, R Vila y M Wichtl.

Plantas Medicinales. El Dioscórides Renovado. Pio Font Quer.

Farmacognosia. 2ª Edición. Jean Bruneton.

Guía de las plantas medicinales. 4 ª Edición. Paul Schauenberg/Ferdinand Paris.

Plantas Medicinales.  Margarita Fernandez y Ana Nieto. Ed Universidad de Navarra.  EUNSA 1982.

Fitoterapia. Vademécum de prescripción. B. Vanaclocha, S. Cañigueral. Editorial  Masson. 4ª edición. 

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