

Pimpinella anisum L


Herbaceous annual plant, 20-60 cm high, slightly pubescent and very scented. The leaves are polymorphous: lower ones are petiolate, rounded, kidney-shaped, toothed or slightly lobuled. Intermediate ones are oval or obovate, divided in three deep sections with toothed parts; the upper ones are caulinary bi or tripinnated, with narrow lobules and sheathed petioles. Flowers are white, grouped in umbels of 7 to 14 straight lines with no involucre. The fruit is a diachaenium, usually a whole one, but often might present a thin, rigid and slightly curved peduncle fraction. The fruit is longitudinally crossed by five primary ribs, three of them dorsal and two lateral ones which are lighter in color. Both the plant and the fruit release a characteristic anise scent when pressure is applied. Green anise belongs to the Umbelliferae family.

Plant that grows wild in Egypt and Middle East. It is cultivated in warm weather, mainly in SpainBulgariaItaly, former USSR, Northern Africa and India. Green anise blooms around June and the fruits are harvested to extract seeds in July and August.

Part used

The fruits.


Internal use

  • Digestive disorders: flatulence, epigastric inflammation, slow digestion, hyposecreting dyspepsia, eructation, gastrointestinal spasms, lack of appetite, colics in the unweaned infant, gastroenteritis, halitosis, stomatitis, hepatitis.
  • Intestinal parasites: oxiuriasis.
  • Respiratory disorders: bronchitis, pharyngitis, common cold, asthma, non-productive coughing. It is especially recommended to those in a program to quit smoking as it acts as a real nicotine and tobacco tar antidote: cleans out irritant mucosa from bronchi and helps in mucosa cells regeneration.
  • Menstrual disorders: amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause.
  • Breastfeeding.

Both green anise and its essence are used as flavor and odor modifier, in the pharmaceutical, nutritional and liqueur industry.

External use

  • Cutaneous mycosis: pityriasis versicolor, tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), candidiasis.
  • Pediculosis (head lice), scabies.


    Real Farmacopea Española, 1997.

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