

Solidago virgaurea L


It’s a herbaceous and vivacious plant due to its nod-like rhizome. Stems are erect of 0.20-1 m in height, barely branched and only at the top. Leaves are alternate and pubescent, basal ones are petiole and oval-shaped and the upper ones are usually sesile and lanceolate. Inflorescences are racemes of yellow flowers: inner ones are lobed and outer ones are ligulate and scanty. The fruit is an achenium with a pappus.

It’s original from Europe and Asia. It grows along wood edges, meadows and brushes. It grows lengthwise Iberian Peninsula, preferably in calcareous soils, poor soils at the base and up to 3,000 m. It is harvested when is blooming.

Part used

Flowering tops.


  • Genitourinary infections: cystitis, colibacillosis, urethritis.
  • To increase diuresis in urinary tract inflammations.
  • Kidney and urinary stones.
  • Gout and hyperuricemia, benign prostatic hypertrophy.
  • Dyspepsia, enterocolitis, diarrhea.
  • It has been topically applied to treat stomatitis, parodontopathies, pharyngitis, skin ulcer, eczemas.


Plantas Medicinales. Thérapeutique-Toxicité. Christiane Vigneau. Masson, Paris 1985.

Plantas Medicinales y Drogas Vegetales para infusión y tisana. Edición española a cargo de: Salvador Cañogueral, Roser Vila, Max Wichtl.1998.

Fitoterapia: Vademecum de Prescripción. B Vanaclocha, S. Cañigueral. Editorial Masson 4ª edición.

Plantas Medicinales. El Dioscórides Renovado. Pio Font Quer.

Plantas Medicinales. Margarita Fernandez y Ana Nieto. Ed Universidad de Navarra. EUNSA 1982.

100 Plantes Medicinales. Max Rombi. Romart 1998.

The Complete German Commission E Monographs. Therapeutic Guide To Herbal Medicines. Mark Blumenthal. American Botanical Council 1998.

Fitoterapia Aplicada. J.B. Peris, G. Stübing, B.Vanaclocha. Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Valencia 1995.

Catálogo de plantas medicinales. Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. 2003.

Farmacognosia. J. Bruneton. Editorial Acribia 2ª edición.

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