

Papaver rhoeas L


It’s an herbaceous annual plant of the Papaveraceae family that grows up to 70 cm in height. Alternate, pinnate leaves, with sharp segments, elongated and lobuled, very separated with dented pointed folioles and rigid hair both in nerves and edges. Flowers are usually solitaire and terminal, big (5-8 cm in width) and scarlet. Fruits are globular and hairless. They form an urn-shaped capsule with a lid on the top full of seeds. Petals are caduceus. The whole plant discharges a white latex. Poppy belongs to the Papaveraceae family.

It is frequently found on waysides and fields. It blooms between June and August and there are many different species. Once the petals are formed, they don’t last more than 4 hours, thus the harvesting is to be made immediately. Capsules are collected around three weeks later.

Part used

Petals and sometimes the fruit capsules.


Internal use

  • Respiratory disorders: Spasmodic coughing, pertussis, asthmatic episodes, bronchitis, hoarseness, pharyngitis.
  • Children and elderly people insomnia, anxiety.
  •  Gastrointestinal spasms.
  • In some countries, it is also used in cases of cardiac erethism (Reinforces the vital properties of an organ) in adults (healthy heart).

External use

  • Blepharitis (eyelids inflammation) and conjunctivitis.
  • Petals can also be used to extract a coloring matter that has been used several times to dye fabrics and cheese wax.


Real Farmacopea Española, Suplemento 1999.

Real Farmacopea Española, Suplemento 2001.

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